Make money

Making money online at low cost or free

Hi, my beloved reader; recently, I heard many people from the group on Facebook that I joined keep asking again and again about how to make money online, some asking about how to invest in making money by beginning with a small amount from $10, 20$ or 30$…Many websites like Quora, Reddit, or social networks like Facebook are filled with answers to the above question, but I saw some people still float their news feed about it and keep asking how to get started.

So, the articles will discuss the question above with some suggestions from my experiences.
There are many articles or posts on the internet about making money, and some come up with fascinating titles and designs so that posts or eBooks may get you to find it interesting to get started.

Still, you or many other people are sometimes not yet successful on this online journey to get profit because you may give up early, and if we rethink it again, you want to earn online and spend almost no money but want to get income fast? It takes a lot of work.
These are the most popular methods that I'm going to show you about it.

As mentioned above, you may have read these methods many times and from many websites already, but it might benefit you if you are not yet clear about it, so you can keep rereading it here. The methods are CPA, Direct Affiliate Marketing, Free Domains/Sites/Hosting, and Free Methods.


It a technique of affiliate marketing that asks you to drive traffic to a website, then you will get paid. It's required an action of people you refer to submitted their personal information such as email, address, phone number or zip code, etc.

A Couple CPA network you can check

And don't forget to look for review every network that you join to make sure you understand their policy or requirement.

Direct Affiliate Marketing

This one is easy to get accepted and pay well for you to try, but if you keep promoting more products from different stores or websites, you will need to keep tracking every product with different site sometimes you can get lose or not remember where to follow it. Currently, there is some famous company that pays well for this like, Bluehost, Hostgator, Hostinger, Weebly and many more you can google it.

Non-Direct Affiliate Marketing

On this part, there are a few websites that I already try myself like JVzoo, ClickBank, CJ, Shareasale, impact. Some of them are easy to get accepted your sign-up form, but the hardest part is when you already get in, you need to search for a company or products that suit you then you have to send a request and start convincing those sellers about how well you are or suitable methods to sell their products. Then when the seller accepted your application, you can begin to promote their product with marketing material provided.

Making Money from your free website.

Because of this article, we talk about how to do business online without investing money, so if you are looking for a free domain, website and hosting, I have some of them to share with you. Still, you have to remember that free hosting or website will not fulfill your wish to get a fast or proper performance of your website that you want it to be.

Most popular free website platform people on the internet will be known as, Weebly, Wix. These platforms allow you to host your website on their server for free, but your domain address is sub-domain only (, anyway it worth to try since it not cost you any cents.

Read more about how to become a super affiliate.

Free Domain

If you are looking for a Popular Free Domain service, I already have one in mind that I happy with is Freenom; Freenom can give you a free domain name with .TK – .ML – .GA – .CF – .GQ (

Free Hosting

One of the most popular in this category is 000webhost, and it provides you free hosting with some limitations. Still worth to try and remember that you maybe get your website suspended if you are doing wrong with its policy, please check it carefully because of I already in that situation.

Hosting your Web Content for FREE – by ChamuthDaDev

Many of us here know social networks are popular, and people love it. So starting to promote your affiliate or product with the social network is excellent. You can have your profile start connect with people and then build your network. Below is the social network that people are happy to spend hours per day on it here is the list: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, Twitter, Quora, Blog Replies/Forum, Reddit, LinkedIn.

But one thing that you should be careful is when you already join in group or post on popular page do no share your website URL or post your products for an affiliate like spam or you will get banned by those social platforms or their Page or Group Admin.

I hope this helps!


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