DotCom Secrets (2nd Edition)

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DotCom Secrets book is not just another Internet marketing “how-to” guide. This book is not about getting more website traffic — yet these secrets will help you get more traffic massively than ever before.
This book is not about increasing your conversions — yet these secrets will increase your conversions more than you could ever hope to make any headline tweak or split test.

DotCom Secrets (2nd Edition)

Low traffic or low conversion rates are signs of a far larger issue that is a little more difficult to see (that's the bad news), but much more comfortable to correct (that's the good news).

What most companies genuinely have is a “funnel” problem. Your funnel is the online process through which you take your prospective clients to turn them into actual clients. Everyone has a funnel (even if they don't realize it), and yours either brings or repels more clients to you.

Over the last decade, we've run tens of thousands of split tests to find out which funnels operate for almost any scenario you might think of. If you aim to generate leads, we have the frameworks and scripts for that. If you want to market a product or service, there are systems and scripts for it as well.

The sales enclosure frameworks that you can find on these pages have now actually enabled tens of thousands of businesses around the world to expand faster than ever before. DotCom Secrets book will give you access to all the procedures, enclosures, systems, and scripts that we use to scale our companies online so that you can fix your funnel and turn it into the most successful member of your team!

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Review from Bobby M, Buyer from Amazon

This book is fantastic.
I’m specifically writing this to address the reviewers claiming this book disappointed them because it’s “just a big sales pitch for ClickFunnels.”

Imagine reading ‘Joy of Cooking’ because you want to feel confident in the kitchen. Maybe cooking is new to you, or you never had proper guidance. At the end of the book it casually mentioned that while you already have all the info you need to whip up delicious dishes – that *if* shopping for ingredients and preparing dishes sounds utterly overwhelming to you, that you feel lost, they also happen to have a takeout service you could call.

For someone to chuck the book and say “it was all just a sales pitch” is to discard a wealth of knowledge and strategies.

Having worked in website design, programming, and marketing since 2005 I can truthfully say you do not need to use ClickFunnels to put this information to use. It looks brilliant and I’m sure it would get you going faster than manually laying out a design, building the forms, hooking up a mailing list, etc. but that’s your call.

I wish I’d read this years ago. I can already envision how I’ll adjust the way I present my own services to potential clients. More importantly, I can imagine how this would be helpful to other business owners big and small who have something to offer the world (whether you’re selling a product, or are service-based).

If the only thing this book does is jog your thinking on the possibilities in separating yourself from your personal hours available – to replicate your expertise beyond what you can possibly offer by doing everything one-on-one, directly – then you’ll already add several digits in ROI for the meager $10-20 you spend to tap into this knowledge. (that's not the only concept in the book, but it really stood out for me, the guy always wearing lots of hats and feeling short on time)

To be clear, I have no affiliation with ClickFunnels. I just hate to see reviews talking down genuinely valuable information all because they were soooo put off by the mention of software existing. I almost listened to them.

If you’re on the fence, this book is worth a read. I’m almost overflowing with new ideas for growth and opportunity in 2019 now that I finished it.

Review by Bobby M

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